Friday, November 16, 2012

Se ko si ero ni?

Jewy has a craving for moi-moi.

I proposed the two solutions I know: we need to get a more powerful blender to blend the soaked beans, or use the moi moi powder from the African food store.

Jewy: se ko si ero ni?

Me: huh? Ero ni bo?

Jewy: Ni adugbo Lilac

Me: Ni bo lo ma wa?

No Jewy... we can't dash down to Tejuosho market to get our beans or pepper ground... ko si ero :-)


  1. LOL. My first thought was "what is ero?". If you guys make the moi moi from scratch (by blending the beans) please invite me for dinner o, my stomach is tired of moi moi made from powder.

  2. Ahhh! Best invest in solid blender or soak the beans for a long long while. OR be entreprenur show your naija colour import ero and charge ten dollars per grind. Food for thought!

  3. @Tayo, thanks!
    @Ope, haha, consider this your invite!
    @PJ We bought a stronger blender o, but not sure @ charging for the blend. Pretty sure our friends will revolt if we try that :)
